Monday 27 May 2013

Hyper Realistic Sound


Hyper realistic sound is when you hear a sound in a film that is unrealisticly louder than normal. eg a text message in a crowd. This is used to emphasise important parts from the film. 

In the terminator clip, the kid at the start of the video is breathing very heavily and you can hear it very clearly, more than you would in real life. You can even hear his breathing over the sound of the motorbikes engine going which is unrealistic. This is a good example of hyper realistic sound as it isn't a realistic volume. It also helps to build tension. Especially for the breathing in this clip as it emphasizes it to make it relate to the kids fear and makes it seem like you are there with him.

In the casino royale clip, at the very start, the agent in in the middle of a big crowd and everyone is cheering and shouting. the agent receives a text message and you can still hear his message tone go off even when he is among the crowd of people. This shows that text message is an important and relevant part of the scene otherwise it would seem insignificant and in the background. The producer has purposely made sure its unrealistically loud so as it catches the audiences attention.

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